
Globalisation of mobile gaming and $1bn in money, League of Legends Handheld is eye-catching!

In October 2019, Fist Games, the parent company of the phenomenal MOBA game League of Legends, announced that League of Legends Hand Game will soon be launched nationwide during the 10th anniversary celebration of League of Legends Global.In 2020, the game took the lead to open public beta testing in Japan, Singapore, and India until In 2021, “League of Legends Hand Game” was officially logged into the national service, and then burst into flames.

On 10 October, according to data released by, a top data analysis company, since the first batch of public beta testing of the League of Legends handball game, the total expenditure of global players has exceeded 1 billion US dollars (about 7.3 billion yuan), with a download volume of more than 111 million times. At present, in addition to the League of Legends Hand Game, there are only 101 games and 26 APPs worldwide with user spending of more than $1 billion.

The contribution of Chinese players to the League of Legends Handbook ranks first in the world. As of the first half of 2023, the total player expenditure of the game will reach about $188 million (about 1.37 billion yuan), of which the total expenditure of Chinese players alone will reach $141 million (about 1.02 billion yuan), accounting for as much as 75%.

Fast-paced, easy to get started, activity conscience “League of Legends Hand Game” attracted $188 million in six months

Heroes League Handbook” can achieve great success in the global game market without relying on the “Heroes League” tree, but as a key mobile project of Fist Games, the efforts of “Heroes League Handbook” itself should not be ignored.

First of all, compared to the “League of Legends” end game a game of about 30 minutes of game length, “League of Legends hand tour” a game of only about 15 minutes of game length, or even faster. The fast-paced gaming experience allows players to play in short bursts of free time. Although the game length has become shorter and switched from PC to mobile, League of Legends Handbook retains most of the mechanics of League of Legends, such as inserting eyes, only being able to buy and sell equipment in the water fountain, and most crucially, retaining the 4 skills of each hero.

While retaining the core mechanisms, League of Legends Handbook has made effective changes to the game’s operation, making it easier for players who are used to playing MOBAs on the mobile terminal to get started, while also allowing end-game players to experience the purest League of Legends on the mobile terminal.


In addition to the excellent gaming experience to maximise the retention of players, in addition to the gaming experience, the League of Legends hand tour is similar to most MOBA games in the way of attracting money, players can buy “passes” in the game mall for each season, and through the completion of special tasks to obtain the exclusive heroes skins as well as a number of additional rewards.

The price of the “passes” is basically similar to the value of the skins they ultimately receive, but completing the tasks can effectively retain players while further increasing the number of daily active players in the game, allowing players to “liver” up.

In addition to the “pass” in addition, “hero alliance hand game” also launched the “open box” system, but “box” also like puro treasure box free box, very conscientious. There are also like the game has also launched the “crystal rose” and “Christmas” and other series of lottery paid boxes, according to the players personally test, want to get a whole set of “crystal rose” series of skins, need to spend about 500 yuan. According to players’ own tests, it costs about 500 RMB to get the whole set of “Crystal Rose” skins.


  • Crystal Rose Skin

Free open boxes can also effectively increase the activity of players, paid open boxes compared to free boxes, the reward will be more generous, can effectively protect players’ expenditure.

In the end, the “League of Legends Handbook” can be so hot in the world, but also can not be separated from the roots laid by the MOBA game. According to a report by Statista, a German data statistics organisation, MOBA games rank only behind sports, racing, strategy and battle royale in terms of popularity around the world. So, League of Legends Handheld’s total player spending surpassing the $1 billion mark is just the beginning.

20 Battle Teams, Over a Million Dollars in Prizes “League of Legends Hand Game” Draws a New Map of E-Sports

League of Legends Handball has also been following in the footsteps of its big brother, League of Legends, in terms of e-sports, with rapid development from tournaments to e-sports programme derivatives.

In March 2022, the official League of Legends Handbook released the 2022 e-sports plan. The planning shows that in the middle of 2021, “Hero Alliance Handball” held more than 90 tournaments around the world, with more than 6,000 teams participating, and more than 2,000 hours of official live content.


Globally, the e-sports atmosphere of the League of Legends handball game reached its heyday, and then China’s first League of Legends handball top professional league WRL kicked off, attracting 12 top professional teams to participate.

The first WRL has attracted strategic partners such as Yiga Mobile, Wahaha, Kia, Puma, Coca-Cola, Moslem and Qualcomm Snapdragon, the commercial value of the league pulls full circle.


In addition to domestic e-competitions, the 2022 League of Legends Handball Global Champions Cup also landed in Singapore, and the four Chinese teams lived up to the expectations and achieved very good results, with the NV team winning the championship. 0711, a member of the FPX team, once said, “Going to a global tournament, our goal is to compete for the championship and win for our country. “

In November 2022, fist game released the “hero alliance hand game” e-sports future plan said that in 2023, fist game will put the “hero alliance hand game” e-sports operation focus on the scope of Asia, Asia as the largest mobile e-sports market in the global scope, which can let the “hero alliance hand game” grow here by leaps and bounds.

Fighter Games has also announced that it will host the first cross-region professional mobile gaming league in 2023, the League of Legends Handball Asia League, the first season of which will be held in April 2023 at the Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Centre in Shanghai. The tournament consists of 20 teams from both the WRL and WRL regions, and has a total prize pool of more than US$1 million. The league runs two seasons a year and is dedicated to providing players with the best tournament experience.


In Southeast Asia, League of Legends Handball has also been selected as an esports event for the 2021 Southeast Asian Games. The session of the Southeast Asian Games in the electric game project selection, is by the Vietnam Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism comprehensive consideration of the decision, to be based on the participation of the project in the Southeast Asian region, such as the influence of the project.

For the League of Legends hand to be selected, that the game in Southeast Asia within the scope of a good influence and competitiveness, but also through the platform of the Southeast Asian Games is undoubtedly an opportunity to open the Southeast Asian market a rare opportunity.

Both the 2022 Global Champions Cup and the Asian League have contributed to the e-sports industry layout of the League of Legends Handball. Through the top tournaments can let the various regions and teams communicate with each other, no matter in the tactical playing method or club operation and other aspects for mutual benefit. League of Legends Handball will also create an exclusive tournament layout and cultural output in the future.

In addition to tournaments, the WRL has also launched a series of e-sports spin-off programmes, such as “East Meets West”, “WRL Eats Singapore”, “Hero Beeper” and “ICONS New Views”. These spin-off programmes allow players to learn about stories outside the League of Legends Handball Tournament, enriching the tournament’s content matrix and effectively increasing players’ stickiness.


Leo Faria, the global head of the League of Legends Handball Game, has said, “We bring the League of Legends Handball Game tournament into everyone’s life and become a part of it.”

League of Legends handball game co-branded with oppo and Burger King Reaching the bundled marketing of e-sports and physical goods

In recent years, both games and apparel have been carrying out co-branding activities, and Hero Alliance Hand Game is no exception. Co-branding with a host of big names can effectively increase the game’s commercial value and market influence as well as in player stickiness.

In November 2021, with the launch of the national service of the League of Legends Hand Game, the game also announced that it was co-branded with Anker, which was the first time that the game licensed its IP to a brand. Anker then launched nine licensed co-branded products, including chargers, charging treasures, and fast-charging cables, etc. In December, Chinese mobile phone brand OPPO’s Reno7 Pro also launched a limited edition of the League of Legends handball game.


In January 2023, League of Legends Hand Game announced a co-branding campaign with coffee chain Starbucks, launching a co-branded member Star Gift Pack. The Star Gift Card came with a matching mobile phone bag and headphone bag, and players who purchased the Star Gift Pack were also entitled to certain rights and benefits as well as a chance to win a lottery for limited edition game props.

In September 2023, League of Legends Handbook and fast food brand Burger King conducted a co-branding campaign, launching a League of Legends Handbook-style packaging and a new set menu. The most exciting thing for players is that they can participate in lucky draws for limited edition hero skins by purchasing designated packages. Moreover, there is also a privileged WiFi activity in designated shops, where you can get gold privileges for handheld games, as well as privileged gift pack rewards and other benefits.

From the perspective of marketing, whether it is cooperating with Burger King or Starbucks, there is an aim to keep the League of Legends Hand Game in the user’s field of vision and create a new type of marketing channel. In addition, League of Legends Handbook can always interact with players, improve its products and promote players’ consumption in the game.